Monday, February 4, 2008


There nothing much more fun than showing off our new daughter. We've already had quite a few visitors. Mostly friends and family dropping off food so I don't have to worry about cooking on top of the other duties. Which by the way is the greatest gift. Charmaine, Weston, Jimmy, and Ava first dropped off homemade multi-grain cinnamon rolls, then tonight brought by a wonderful barley chicken soup. Polly and John showed up the night of the birth with a car load of groceries then two nights ago brought us sushi take-out from the city (yum!). Mika brought us more groceries and our neighbor Rene stayed with Keel while Mike and I ran to the drugstore for a couple needed items. Jack, Shannon, Sedge and Ojiah stopped over yesterday with a big dish of Jack's famous spinach lasagna and an organic cotton blanket hand woven on the loom in their living room! With a community this good it's no wonder we are growing such a healthy baby. I might start growing a little too!

Ojiah is only 7 weeks old but already 16 lbs. Is Oona really going to blimp out like this? I hope so. Keely is feeding her as much as she'll hold and we are going for puffy baby. I'm not sure anyone can compete with Ojiah though. It must be that Stone Barns food.

No really, I can't believe the size of this kid!

Grandpa and Nana Nelson visit on Day Zero.

Taking our first walk with Mika.