Sunday, January 11, 2009


Might I direct you to my new favorite blog - seedspindle, by my dear friend Shannon, companion to many of my mothering days. I'm not quite sure who all reads this blog, some of you maybe hear me repeat myself everyday (I am indeed one who shares, and shares again! lest I forgot to share, I err on the side of repetition. you are good to forgive me this.) anyway, I'll pretend that you, internet, have not yet heard my little treats, and tell you as though it were news: I love my mama friends. Amanda, Shannon, Charmaine. what would I do without these ladies? I would suffer. And as we all know, suffering also likes to share, and so my lovely Timon and innocent Oona would also suffer.
Anyway, Shannon's blog. It is an inspiration to me, as it will surely be to you. While I share copiously with chatter, I realize that I am quite afraid to share my words on something so permanent. Its not quite the public that's the problem for me, its the permanance. If someone doesn't like my chatter, I hope that it evaporates quickly for them. But so many issues arise when I can look back and blush.
But as I said, Shannon inspires. And so I think that this year, I will try sharing a little bit more on this here blog.

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