So we've begun the countdown to delivery. Most recently by starting childbirth education classes. Since we are planning (but not necessarily expecting) a fully natural birth, we both have a lot of preparation. Frankly, the classes are mostly for me. I'm learning not just more about the birth process and what Keely and Oona will need from me, but also all the many little things I need to remember to do, to pack, to call, and be.
On Saturday we took a Yoga for Delivery class at IYI (
Integral Yoga Institute) in the West Village. That's the place where Keely was trained as a yoga instructor and also where our doula, Kali, works. I learned lots of ways to physically support Keel through contractions and have started making my list of props we'll want nearby during early labor (pillows, balls, food, water, etc.).
Then on Sunday, Kali, our doula (birth coach) came to our house for a home visit. She stayed nearly 4 hours as we went through all the things we can expect and how Keely, Kali, and I will work together to get Oona out in the most rewarding way we can. Kali is great, experienced, and passionate about birthing. It is definitely a plus that her and Keel (me too) share an intellectual and spiritual home at IYI.
And if that isn't enough for one week, we are now in childbirth education classes every Wednesday at
Full Circle. It feels a lot like group therapy where we sit in a circle discussing the issues we all go through during pregnancy. I'm assuming that was just the first week and the next will feel more like a standard class where I spend my time learning all the stuff I need to know from support for breathing techniques to when to go make hot chocolate. In any case, we are ratcheting up the energy and building momentum as Keel continues to put on inches with Oona making herself constantly known through kicks and turns and pushes and taps.