Friday, November 2, 2007

27 Weeks!

Oona turned 27 weeks yesterday. That means, not only can she hear quite well and is getting used to sounds, song, us talking, but she can open and close her eyes already. She's upwards of two pounds, and if you asking Keel, in a super growth spurt. This baby's gettin' big!

You can see more info on Oona's progress here.

Fun Fact: Doctors attend 92 percent of all U.S. births. Midwives attend only 8 percent. We are planning our delivery with a midwifery clinic called Full Circle Family Care. They are devoted to holistic and complete women's care. The bonus of this place, the only one in the tri-county area, is that they also provide pre-natal yoga classes, acupuncture, chiropractic care, counseling, GYN, and more. We are very happy with the quality and attention that Keely gets here. What's more, their hospital affiliation is with Phelps Memorial, in Sleep Hollow. This means Oona will be born in the town Washington Irving lived in when he wrote The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I can see Oona dressed up for Halloween already with a giant flaming pumpkin on her head.

Keel's recent pumpkin

Last night Keel went to another pre-natal yoga class at Full Circle with our good friend Shannon, who is also pregnant (with her second), only a few weeks ahead of Keel. The same Full Circle yoga teacher is now teaching a class at Stone Barns. It's a small midwifery world.

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