Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

a visit to waldorf

Keely, Oona, Ojiah, Sedge, and Shannon all went for a visit to the local (not local enough) Waldorf School. Apparently the bridge was the real draw for posing.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

picnic at croton point

Occasionally Keely and Oona meet me at the train which happens to let me off right next to a great park, Croton Point Park. This is where the land juts out into the Hudson River and, aside from the fact that it is also a big land fill, makes a great picnic spot. It also tops my vote for the best way to come home from work.

Oona spends most of her time trying to eat leaves and we spend our time trying to eat our food without her attacking it. The rest of the time is spent, apparently, throwing Oona in the air, skipping, and otherwise rolling around.

and eating more leaves

and grass

and climbing all over papa

and sitting in trees

and practicing crawling

and just hanging out.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

tailgate party!

We took a little flea market run a couple weeks back. Oona made out like a bandit. A whole box full of handmade trucks including two semis with trailers, a bulldozer, a boat, and two old fashioned cars (over a foot long). I'll have to post a picture later. We also found a great circa 1910 wagon, which I can't wait to pull her in. The parents just got a shoe rack, humph.

Friday, September 26, 2008

learning to crawl

You've probably noticed that we have not updated our blogs as frequently as we used to. There's a simple answer, we've been a little busy. I'm going to play catch up this week and will post some photos and videos of the last two months. Here's a video clip of Oona as she was learning to crawl. She's quick now (only a couple weeks later). It's amazing to me how fast she has gone from yelling every few inches to moving around the house on any whim.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Indulgance in the videos, plus pics

Home videos, what can we say? Feel free to skip these if unabashed love and affection makes you wheezy. Basically, grandparents, these are for you!

A visit to the state park:

Oona and I helped Ti move into his new office, and discovered the joys of nyc playgrounds

We also took a trip to grandma's to play with cousin Zoe!

Luke! where are you!